Kidney Failure Kidneys are reddish-brown bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine, below the ribs, and behind the belly. They are vital organs that […]
Heart Disease in Adolescents Every day around the world, several adult patients with heart diseases and heart conditions get reported extensively. However, children and adolescents are […]
Cardiovascular Diseases Over 17.9 million people die each year from CVDs, making it the number one cause of death globally. CVDs represent an estimate of 31% […]
What are 7 Dimensions of Wellness? Wellness is an ongoing process of being conscious and making the right choices for a balanced and fulfilling life. Wellness […]
How to boost immunity? The unthinkable is here and we must prepare ourselves to better our odds at surviving it. The current climate calls for immediate […]
COVID-19 Symptoms and Protection Taking the entire globe under its grasp, the outbreak of COVID-19 or Coronavirus diseases has generated panic among millions of people. What […]