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7 Dimensions of Wellness

7 Dimensions of Wellness

What are 7 Dimensions of Wellness?

Wellness is an ongoing process of being conscious and making the right choices for a balanced and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a complex process of change and development. In simple terms, it is about the whole person, and not only the individual parts of the body.

The seven dimensions of wellness are physical, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and intellectual. Often, one dimension may be more prevalent than the other, but ignorance of any factor may have an adverse effect on overall health.

Each component of wellness is interwoven and connected to another. The desired amount of well-being can be accomplished by learning how to sustain and maximize each dimension.

1. Physical Wellness

The physical health of a person is vital for his/her overall well-being. Physical fitness is what comes to your mind when you think of a healthy life. It includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and revitalizing the body with adequate rest and sleep. All these aspects protect you from chronic illnesses and enhance your quality of life.

To maintain good health, you must consume foods that aid in body purification. Such foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, green tea, etc. It is equally vital to sweat out the toxins from your body through yoga, exercise, and saunas. Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine requires commitment and motivation. Restricting yourself from harmful habits like smoking and alcohol consumption is also crucial for a healthy life.

As every individual is unique, what works for one may not work for others. You must also work closely with the doctors to identify foods that can cause inflammation, skin problems, digestive distress, and fatigue to your body. Only a healthy body can accommodate an active mind and a resilient soul.

2. Social Wellness

When we talk about wellness, our social needs are equally important as biological needs. Being engaged with support and social networks, we feel we belong to them. This makes us more resilient and changes the way we react to failure, disappointment, and other negative circumstances.

Social networks provide the opportunity to contribute to society and to appreciate the efforts of other members. This two-way relationship strengthens ties and enhances the feeling of belongingness. The most critical aspect of social well-being is the desire to cultivate close relations with others on the basis of common experiences and goals.

Your social circle includes family, friends, peers at the workplace, and new acquaintances. Keeping all these elements in balance is crucial for social wellness.

3. Emotional Wellness

When you are emotionally balanced, you feel equipped to cope with the unpredictability and stresses of life. Emotional health allows you to control your feelings. It helps you to have a rational and optimistic view of yourself and others, and various other aspects of your life too. At times, you can’t control the stressful environment, yet you can manage stress more efficiently.

Various factors linked to stress include anxiety, digestive issues, insomnia, and heart conditions. In some situations, you might experience overwhelming feelings of depression or anxiety. It becomes difficult to deal with such feelings on your own. Seeking guidance from a mental health professional may be an effective way to develop coping mechanisms, gain clarity, and obtain emotional support.

4. Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness involves owning a set of principles, beliefs, or values that gives direction to one’s life. It includes a high level of trust, hope, and assurance to your individual principles. It is the desire to pursue the meaning and purpose of your existence. This aspect also allows you to appreciate the things that are difficult to explain or understand.

Obtaining spiritual wellness needs rigorous practice. You need to learn how to be more compassionate, thankful, forgiving, kinder, and less judgmental. It has the potential and power to make your choices and decisions easier. It also helps you cope with tough times and gives the strength to face any adversity. Spiritual well-being allows you to recover from mental or physical conditions too.

This factor inculcates calmness, mental clarity, and reduces depression. This dimension of wellness is inter-linked with emotional well-being. This means aligning your body and soul with the purpose of your life. Any action that encourages this alignment might improve your spiritual wellness.

5. Environmental Wellness

The integrity and well-being of the environment surrounding us are integral to our health. Environmental wellness is to understand the fact that every action of human beings impacts the quality of nature and its surroundings. In a nutshell, it is to align yourself with the needs of nature. This includes engaging in socially responsible events to minimize the harm and save and protect the environment.

Being close to nature helps you focus on your thoughts and emotions. It gives you a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Spending time outdoor reduces stress levels, and improves mood and concentration.

Some examples of environmental threats are water contamination, air pollution, chemicals, noise, and second-hand smoke. Environmental wellness includes being aware of natural resources, realizing the effects of your actions on your surroundings, and being accountable to the needs of the atmosphere, both in the short and long-term.

6. Occupational Wellness

Occupational or vocational wellness means preparing and utilizing your talents, gifts, and skills. This might help you achieve happiness and meaning in your life. This aspect also relates to your approachand attitude towards your occupation.

Occupational wellness is a vital aspect ofa healthy life. It is the satisfaction that we derive from our careers or roles. It requires the suitability of our jobs as per our interests, skills, and beliefs. Occupational wellness also includes any volunteer work, hobbies, or even different life roles like motherhood or fatherhood.

Greater involvement in work, with an enthusiastic, committed, and energetic attitude, is related to positive emotions and better performance. Building good relation with co-workers boosts the feeling of belongingness at the workplace. Occupational wellness includes better work-life balance, satisfaction at the workplace, better performance, and improved relationships.

At 7DMC, everyone is encouraged to learn a skill and set a goal for themselves. All necessary support is provided by our team to help them achieve the best. As part of occupational therapy, we assess, create, and provide individualized treatment plans that meet your requirements.

7. Intellectual Wellness

Our minds must be constantly motivated and exercised in the same way as our bodies. Life is full of passion and purpose if you have an open and active mind. Intellectual well-being involves a desire for lifelong learning. You can enhance your intellectual health by engaging ininnovative activities, widening your knowledge, and learning new things. As you age, the risk of mental illness increases. It becomes even more essential to participate in stimulating activities.

Our minds are often excited for a change of scenery. It is important to stimulate your mind and increase your sense of curiosity. People who regularly involve themselves in activities like reading and crossword puzzles have relatively lower levels of mental impairment.

Recognizing bad habits and building new healthy habits is the best way to get started. This can become more and more complicated as we age. Fostering creative spirit and positive attitude are key elements and are encouraged at our clinic in Al Barsha, Dubai.


Wellness is the quest to achieve balance and growth. Often people assume wellness only in terms of physical health. Diet, weight loss, exercise, etc. crosses your mind when you think about wellness. In reality, it is more than just physical health. It is a combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It’s a dynamic relationship that contributes to the overall quality of life. Each dimension of wellness is equally essential to achieve good health.

Maintaining an optimum degree of health is essential for a better quality of life. Wellness matters! Our every action and emotion is related to our well-being. In addition, our well-being directly influences our behavior and sentiments. It’s an ongoing process. It is therefore crucial for every human being to achieve optimal wellness to alleviate stress, minimize the risk of disease, and maintain healthy interactions.







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