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Pregnancy Acne

Pregnancy Acne

Acne During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very unique and beautiful experience for a woman. Your body undergoes various changes, and you need to be prepared for the same. It is essential that you visit your gynecologist regularly.

Pregnancy acne, also commonly known as pimples, is no different from your regular ones. They are simply normal acne and part of your pregnancy. Acne or pimples breakout is pretty common in pregnant women. Some women do face difficulty with acne during their pregnancy. It is difficult to determine what is the safest way to treat your acne. There are medications available, but consulting your doctor first is always advisable. Fortunately, these acne or pimples are usually temporary and vanish after childbirth.

Does pregnancy cause acne?

Yes. It is fairly natural to develop acne when you are pregnant. The severity of acne during pregnancy can either improve or get worse. In mild cases, medication might not be needed, but it will require medical attention if acne is severe. Throughout pregnancy, there is an increase in androgen (a form of hormone), which results in causing acne. Also, if women have a prior history of developing acne, there is a high possibility of experiencing acne growth during pregnancy.

What causes acne during pregnancy?

Hormonal changes and fluctuations are the leading cause of acne during pregnancy, yet there are several other factors that can be attributed to this.

  • Overproduction of sebum (an oily, waxy substance) is likely the cause for acne to occur during pregnancy. When the hormones, called androgens, cause the glands in your skin to expand and grow, it results in producing more sebum. This, in turn, blocks pores and leads to inflammation, bacteria growth, and breakouts.
  • If you experience a tremendous amount of stress, this might lead to an increase in your stress hormones, thus resulting in breakouts or aggravate the existing acne.
  • Throughout your pregnancy, the immune system changes. This can also be one of the factors for acne growth.
  • During pregnancy, fewer toxins are released as your body retains more water. These toxins get trapped in the pores and try to escape through your skin and sweat, resulting in acne.
  • Changes in diet can also cause pimples or acne to surface up on your skin.

Is acne a symptom of pregnancy?

Not necessarily. Even though acne’s sudden occurrence might be an early sign of pregnancy, that may not be necessarily true for everyone. Just because you’re breaking out, it does not confirm your pregnancy. There might be several other reasons for the breakout. The mere occurrence of acne should not be used as a sign of pregnancy. It is always advisable to go for pregnancy tests. If you are not sure what to do, you can always visit our gynecology clinic in Dubai and discuss it with our ob-gyn doctors.

When does pregnancy acne start?

Acne can appear anytime during pregnancy. This is because the androgen level is high throughout pregnancy and causes extra oil production. Most likely, acne occurs during the first and second trimesters. However, it can get worse during the third trimester. This is the time when androgen levels are incredibly high.

It also differs from person to person. In a few cases, the growth can be pretty subtle, but others may experience breakouts. Previous acne history is also one of the factors for acne to flare up during pregnancy. If until your third-trimester pimples have not developed, there are good chances that you won’t develop it later too.

How long does pregnancy acne last?

There is no definite time as to when the pregnancy acne will disappear. This varies from case to case, especially for those who have pre-existing acne history. It may also happen that acne or pimples which appeared during the first trimester fades during the second and may reappear as you reach the third trimester. Pregnancy acne may come and go, or it might even last throughout your pregnancy. It is more likely that pregnancy acne will cease to appear once your hormone levels and immunity return to normalcy after childbirth.

What does pregnancy acne look like?

No different from the regular pimples, these are little rashy bumps on your skin. Usually red or pink, they are pretty sensitive to touch. They can also take the form of blackheads or whiteheads.

Where is pregnancy acne located?

There is no specific place for pregnancy acne to appear. Commonly, they surface up on your face, chin, neck, chest, and back. These may also occur at any other body part or in places you’ve never had pimples before.

What are safe acne treatments during pregnancy?

Even though some acne can be treated by yourself at home, you should always consult your doctor and make regular visits before starting the treatment. You need to remember that anything you apply on your skin gets absorbed and might affect the baby. Having said that, everyone’s skin type is different, and one remedy may not suit all.

It is advisable to avoid medicines as it can affect the fetus. But in cases when it gets worse, it can be treated by following the prescription given by your doctor. However, there are certain natural ways for pregnancy acne remedies. Mentioned below are some simple and safe tips to prevent and reduce acne:

  • Drink a lot of water to get rid of toxins from your body.
  • Some soaps are harsh on your skin. Try to use a cleanser, free from soap, oil, and alcohol, and cleanse your skin twice a day.
  • Avoid rubbing, squeezing, or picking the acne, as it may make it worse and leave a scar.
  • Consume food rich in Vitamin A, as vitamin A reduces the sebum or oil produced in your body.
  • Apply coconut oil on your face; this will help in soothing and hydrating your skin. It is also very gentle to the skin.
  • If you have oily hair, wash it with shampoo every day and keep your hair off your face.
  • Avoid processed foods containing a high level of refined sugars. Eat nutritious and wholesome foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Watch what is touching the skin, as it might increase the chances of bacterial growth. Take special care of your skin.
  • Use oil-free products for makeup. Ensure to wash off and clean your makeup before going to bed.
  • Have a good sleep routine.

Whether it is acne treatment or some other concern, it is important to visit a gynecologist before, during, and after pregnancy. This will not only give you a better understanding of how your body works but will also help you to have a trouble-free pregnancy.


Pregnancy is the time when you see a lot of changes in your body. Nausea and vomiting, increased fatigue, swelling, shortness of breath are few common symptoms experienced by pregnant women. Due to hormonal changes in your body, the chances of developing acne or pimples is also high. As much as it gets annoying and frustrating, it can be treated by following proper hygiene care and medication. You need to be extra careful while treating your acne, as some medications may be harmful and can also affect the baby.

Acne outbreaks are temporary and subside once your body returns to normal. You can choose to treat them naturally, but always consider discussing with your doctor. Remember, acne is only a cosmetic change in your body; it does not affect the health of your baby.


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