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Speech & Language Therapy Clinic

Our speech and language therapy clinic in Dubai is a specialized healthcare facility wherein our in-house speech and language therapists assess, diagnose, treat, and offer rehabilitation services to individuals who suffer from communication difficulties such as language comprehension issues and speech impediments along with swallowing disorders and autism spectrum disorders. Our comprehensive and high-quality therapy services are designed to cater to both inpatient and outpatient settings.

We offer speech therapy services in both English and Arabic to help develop your child’s speech and language skills. Our dedicated and specialised approach aids your child in communicating seamlessly and living a wholesome life irrespective of their neurological conditions. With advanced technology and skilled guidance, we assist our patients to break social and psychological barriers and function to their fullest capacity.

Conditions We Treat

Speech Delay

Speech delay refers to a condition where an individual is comparatively behind their peers in developing the ability to produce speech sounds or words. It can significantly affect a child’s confidence by showing its results in both academic performance and social interactions. With our speech therapy in Dubai, our therapists offer evidence-based methods to improve your child’s speech and language skills.

Speech Disorder

A speech disorder refers to a condition wherein it is difficult for an individual to form or create speech sounds. This includes everything from difficulties of articulation to stuttering. At our speech therapy clinic in Dubai, we provide a wide range of techniques to treat speech disorders, thereby boosting the self-esteem of an individual and aiding them in improving their overall communication.


A speech disorder that causes interruptions in the flow of speech, stuttering or stammering can be challenging for both children and adults. At our speech and language therapy clinic in Dubai, we offer specialized stuttering therapy sessions that are designed to significantly reduce the frequency of stuttering and improve the fluency of speech.

Voice Disorder

Voice disorder denotes a condition that directly or indirectly affects your larynx (voice box), which, in turn, can alter or change the way your voice sounds while also causing throat discomfort. Croakiness, hoarseness, breathiness, or strain in voices are some of the regular symptoms you may notice in this case. The personalized treatment we offer helps in restoring normal voice quality and function.

Language Disorder

Language disorders severely affect one’s ability to communicate efficiently. It is a condition where someone finds it extremely difficult to understand and comprehend spoken, written, or sign language. It is often characterized by issues of poor sentence construction, lack of vocabulary, inappropriate use of language in social settings, etc. Our language therapy services help take care of this disorder and contribute to cognitive development and enhanced communication.

Cochlear Implant and Hearing Aid Rehabilitation

Cochlear implants and hearing aids can vastly transform the lives of individuals who suffer from hearing impairment. The rehabilitation program that we offer at our speech clinic in Dubai aids such individuals in learning how to use cochlear implants and hearing aids to understand sounds and speech better. As such, they get to make the most out of these devices and improve their auditory communication skills.

Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT)

Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) denotes a specialized therapy program that is designed to teach individuals with hearing impairment to understand how to communicate through spoken language and improve their listening skills. Through this therapy, individuals learn to use their residual hearing without depending on visual cues. Our speech therapist in Dubai is trained in AVT, which makes them skilled in aiding individuals to enhance their communication levels.

Articulation Difficulties

Articulation difficulties hinder one’s ability to make clear speeches and accurately produce speech sounds due to issues with the movement of their tongues, lips, or jaws. As such, people suffering from it struggle to form certain specific sounds properly. By using targeted and customized exercises, our therapists help these individuals enhance the clarity of their speech and improve their articulation skills.

Pragmatic Disorders

Pragmatic disorders refer to a condition where individuals struggle to use the appropriate language in social settings, affecting their social communication skills. With the language therapy in Dubai that we offer at our clinic, this issue is addressed at the grassroots level, thereby aiding in fostering better social interactions and relationships.

Genetic Syndromes

In the context of speech and language, genetic syndromes refer to the condition wherein a person experiences abnormalities that affect their speech and language development due to their genes or chromosomes. At our speech and language therapy clinic in Dubai, skilled professionals help treat individuals with genetic syndromes through customized therapy that directly addresses specific communication challenges.

Cleft Lip and Palate

Cleft lip and palate is a birth defect wherein the upper lip and/or the roof of the mouth (referred to as palate) of a child do not completely fuse together during foetal development, leading to a visible gap in the lip and/or palate area. We offer comprehensive therapy to children with this condition to help improve their speech and feeding abilities.

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) refers to a rare motor speech disorder in children wherein they struggle to plan and coordinate the movements of the mouth muscles to produce speech sounds. This results in difficulty in pronouncing words consistently and clearly. Our speech therapy services help your child to produce coordinated and clear speech patterns.

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs)

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are the abnormal positioning of the lips, tongue, or jaws while speaking, eating, or resting. These can severely impact the normal development and functioning of the mouth and face. With targeted therapy at our clinic, we aid individuals with this disorder in improving their overall oral function.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that acts as a major hindrance to the communication development of a child, severely limiting their social interactions. Our skilled medical professionals adopt evidence-based and tailored approaches to enhance the communication skills of these children, leading to effective cognitive and social development.

Learning Difficulties

Learning difficulties in an individual can directly impact their speech and language as they may experience how they understand and speak language. It can also manifest into challenges associated with vocabulary, articulation, grammar, and overall communication skills. Our clinic provides advanced support in dealing with and treating learning difficulties and improving literacy and language skills.

Receptive/Expressive Language Disorders

While receptive language disorder refers to the difficulty in understanding spoken language, expressive language disorder denotes the difficulty in expressing ideas and thoughts through speech. Both situations essentially revolve around the difficulty in comprehending communication. At our language therapy clinic in Dubai, we provide targeted interventions to address these disorders at their core, enhancing communication skills in the process.

Eating, Swallowing, and Food Aversion (Dysphagia)

Dysphagia denotes difficulty in eating and swallowing food that leads to food aversion. Individuals suffering from it struggle to process and/or move food and/or liquid through the oral cavity, oesophagus, pharynx, or gastroesophageal junction. Our medically advanced approaches help in enhancing eating and swallowing functions.

Oral Motor Skills

Oral motor skills play a pivotal role in coordinated muscle movements in the mouth, including the lips, palate, jaws, and tongue. This is important for eating, drinking, swallowing, and speaking. With a broad range of activities and exercises, our skilled professionals help enhance oral motor function, which, in turn, helps produce clearer speech and more efficient feeding.

Cognitive Disorders

Cognitive disorders signify the mental health conditions that inhibit the abilities of an individual to learn, think, remember, speak, and solve. The personalized cognitive rehabilitation program and therapy that we provide at our speech and language clinic in Dubai helps in addressing these challenges, vastly improving memory, communication, and problem-solving skills in the process.

Fluency Disorders

Fluency disorder hinders an individual’s speech condition inhibiting their ability to speak fluently or smoothly. It can include a variety of conditions including stuttering, awkward pauses between words, repeating words, etc. Our therapists provide guided programs that are specifically designed to enhance fluency, thereby resulting in a smoother, more confident delivery of speech.

Apraxia of Speech

Apraxia of Speech is a neurological speech disorder wherein an individual struggles with planning and coordinating their muscle movements, which, in turn, affects their ability to produce speech sounds. We have the best speech therapist in Dubai who offers tailored therapy sessions for apraxia of speech that help affected individuals improve their speech effectively.

Articulation and Phonology

The skilled medical professionals and advanced technology at our clinic are equipped to address articulation and phonological disorders. While articulation disorder involves errors in producing sounds, phonological disorders concern errors in putting sounds together correctly. Designed to improve speech clarity, affected individuals are given all the assistance, guidance, and treatment they need to clearly produce and understand speeches.

Memory Disorders

A condition that hinders a person from remembering things, memory disorders can severely affect daily living. The memory rehabilitation program that we offer at our medical clinic in Dubai is built to support individuals who are suffering from this condition. With the goal of improving cognitive function, our therapy significantly enhances the daily lifestyle of a person suffering from memory disorder.

Auditory Processing Disorders (APD)

Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) affect the ability of the brain to process auditory information. People suffering from APD find it difficult to follow directions, discriminate between similar-speech sounds and understand speeches in noisy environments, among others. Our services aid in improving listening and comprehension skills.

Reading and Writing Difficulties

Reading and writing difficulties can majorly affect the academic performance and self-esteem of an individual. The cognitive-linguistic aspect of such difficulties can hinder a person’s ability to express themselves freely. The curated program that we offer at our clinic in Dubai helps in providing literacy support to address these difficulties that help in promoting academic success.

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    Services We Offer

    Speech and Language Screenings & Assessments

    Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) by TalkTools©

    LIDCOMBE© Program Assessment and Implementation

    DIRFloortime© Therapy

    MAKATON© Language Program Assessment and Implementation

    Pictures Exchange Communication System (PECS©) Assessment and Implementation

    Intensive language Development Group Programmes

    Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetics Targets (PROMPT©) Assessment and Therapy


    Answers to Speech & Language Therapy Related Questions

    What is speech and language therapy?

    Speech and language therapy helps in providing assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of speech, voice, language, eating, and swallowing disorders in children and adults. With personalized therapy programs, this therapy can help bridge communication gaps as well as aid in improving feeding skills.

    What conditions can speech and language therapy treat?

    Speech and language therapy can treat varied conditions including speech delay, fluency disorder, articulation disorder, language comprehension issues, slurred speech, cleft palate, autism spectrum disorder, etc. Our clinic, 7DMC has been consistently ranked among the best speech therapy centers in Dubai that offer wholesome speech and language therapy programs.

    How do speech therapists help children with autism spectrum disorders?

    Being the centre of the best speech therapy for kids in Dubai, our programs help children with autism spectrum disorders improve their communication skills, respond to social cues appropriately, and develop strategies to navigate social interactions.

    Can speech and language therapy help with reading and writing difficulties?

    Yes, speech and language therapy can help with reading and writing difficulties by testing, speech, language, and literacy skills and scouting for pragmatic ways to improve the condition. It significantly improves their academic performance and boosts their self-esteem.

    What services do you offer for children with hearing loss?

    We offer various comprehensive services for children with hearing loss and impairment, including the highly efficient cochlear implants and hearing aids rehabilitation program and Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT). These are designed to improve the auditory communication skills of a child by making the most out of the devices.

    What languages do your speech therapists speak?

    The speech therapists in Dubai are well-versed in both English and Arabic, thereby ensuring they cater to a wide pool of patients. Their friendly demeanour and personalized approaches make it a healthy environment for patients, especially kids, to adapt to therapy programs.

    Do you offer services for adults with speech and language disorders?

    Yes, our services are available for both children and adults who are suffering from any form of speech and language disorders. We offer customized therapy programs tailored to the needs and requirements of each patient to give them the best odds to improve their situations.

    How can speech and language therapy help with memory disorders?

    Speech and language therapy can help with memory disorders by improving memory recall capabilities, utilizing cognitive exercises, maintaining cognitive function, and providing memory aids. The memory rehabilitation programs are designed to support individuals with memory disorders.

    What is the LIDCOMBE© Program Assessment and Implementation?

    The LIDCOMBE© Program Assessment and Implementation refers to the process of assessing and evaluating the stuttering severity in an individual using a rating scale and then providing them with an apt training method to improve the situation.

    What is PROMPT© Assessment and Therapy?

    PROMPT© (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) assessment and therapy denote a hands-on, specialized approach to speech therapy that utilizes tactile-kinaesthetic cues (touch) to guide an individual’s mouth movement, thereby enhancing speech clarity.

    What is DIRFloortime© Therapy?

    The DIRFloortime© Therapy denotes the Developmental, Individual-differences, Relationship-Based model (DIR) used for providing a play-based, child-centred therapy approach to promote the cognitive, social, and emotional development of a child. It is often used for children suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

    What is the MAKATON© Language Program?

    The Makaton Language Program refers to a communication system in which an extensive range of speech programs, signs, and symbols are used to improve the communication skills of those who find it difficult to express themselves, especially those with unclear or limited speech.

    How can speech therapy help with fluency disorders?

    Speech therapy can help someone with a fluency disorder by helping them to control their breathing, identifying and managing their triggers for disfluencies, slowing down their speech rate, developing coping mechanisms to reduce stuttering, and practising relaxation strategies.

    What is the Pictures Exchange Communication System (PECS©)?

    In a Pictures Exchange Communication System (PECS©), pictures are used to encourage individuals with limited verbal abilities to express their thoughts, needs, and ideas. As they exchange pictures with a communication partner, it opens up a clear path of communication for them.

    What is Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) by TalkTools©?

    Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) by TalkTools© refers to a speech therapy program used to improve speech clarity using a combination of visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation. It relies on teaching proper placement of oral structures.

    What are the benefits of intensive language development group programs?

    Intensive language development group programs have many notable benefits including increased vocabulary, enhanced written and oral comprehension, rapid language acquisition, improved confidence in speaking, and the ability to seamlessly practise communication skills in a focused ambience.


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