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Ovarian cysts

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    Medical Service Name – Ovarian cysts

    The ovaries are an important element of a woman’s reproductive system. They’re found on both sides of the uterus in the lower abdomen. The hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced by them.

    Cysts in or on the ovary are solid or fluid-filled pockets. Most women develop at least one cyst during their lives. Cysts are usually painless and have no symptoms.

    Possible Causes

    Dermoid cysts and endometrioma cysts are two kinds of ovarian cysts. The most prevalent form, however, are functional cysts. Follicle and corpus luteum cysts are two kinds of functional cysts.

    • Follicle Cysts

    An egg develops in a follicle during a woman’s menstrual cycle. This sac can be seen within the ovaries. This follicle or sac usually bursts open and releases an egg. The fluid inside the follicle might develop a cyst on the ovary if the follicle does not burst open.

    • Corpus Luteum Cysts

    Follicle sacs usually disintegrate once an egg is released. However, if the sac does not dissolve and the follicle’s entrance closes, more fluid can accumulate inside the sac, resulting in a corpus luteum cyst.

    Ovarian Cysts Can Also Be Classified As:

    • Dermoid cysts where hair, fat, and other tissue can be found, which are sac-like growths on the ovaries.
    • Cystadenomas are noncancerous growths that can develop on the ovaries’ outer surface.
    • Endometriomas are cysts formed when tissues that typically grow inside the uterus expand outside the uterus and connect to the ovaries.

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disease that affects certain women. This disease is defined by a significant number of tiny cysts in the ovaries. It has the potential to expand the ovaries. Polycystic ovaries can lead to infertility if left untreated.

    Risk Factor

    • The majority of ovarian cysts are harmless and heal on their own without therapy. There are few if any, symptoms associated with these cysts. A malignant cystic ovarian tumor may be discovered during a routine check-up in a small percentage of cases.
    • Ovarian torsion is another uncommon ovarian cyst consequence. An ovary twists or moves from its original position as a result of a big cyst. The ovary’s blood supply is cut off, and if not treated, the ovarian tissue might be damaged or die. Ovarian torsion accounts for roughly 3% of emergency gynaecologic procedures, despite its rarity.
    • Cyst ruptures, which are also uncommon, can cause excruciating agony and internal bleeding.

    Sign & Symptoms

    Ovarian cysts often go unnoticed. As the cyst develops, though, symptoms may arise. Signs may include:

    • Bloating or swelling of the abdomen
    • Painful motions of bowel
    • Pelvic discomfort before or during menstruation
    • Discomfort in the lower back or thighs during the intercourse
    • Tenderness of the breasts
    • Vomiting and nausea

    The following are severe ovarian cyst symptoms that require emergency medical attention:

    • Fever, lightheadedness, or dizziness
    • Fast breathing
    • Severe or acute pelvic pain

    A burst cyst or an ovarian torsion might cause these symptoms. If not addressed promptly, these problems might have significant implications.


    During a pelvic check, our specialists can identify cysts. Our physicians may prescribe one or more of the following tests to determine which kind of cyst you have:

    • Pregnancy test – A positive pregnancy test might indicate the presence of a corpus luteum cyst.
    • Ultrasound of the pelvis – Sound waves are used to create a picture of your uterus and ovaries. The doctor can determine whether you have a cyst, its location, and type.
    • Laparoscopy – A thin tool containing a light and a camera is inserted into your belly through a tiny incision by the doctor. He can examine your ovaries and remove any ovarian cysts that are present.

    Treatment Options at 7DMC

    Our team of specialists may advise you to use birth control tablets. The hormones in the tablets will not cure the cysts, but they will help prevent new ones from forming.

    Surgery may be required for some ovarian cysts. This includes those that are big, do not go away, or develop symptoms. If you’re approaching menopause, surgery may be required since cysts are more likely to be malignant.

    Smaller cysts are treated by laparoscopy. Laparotomy is used to remove cysts that are potentially malignant.


    Frequently asked questions

    Hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, endometriosis, and pelvic infections are the most common causes of ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovary or its surface.

    Cysts and tumors of the ovary can arise at any age, although they are most frequent between puberty and menopause. During a girl’s natural menstruation, cysts (fluid-filled sacs) can form. Often, they go unnoticed or disappear on their own. Ovarian cysts are usually small, although they can get more prominent in certain conditions.

    It is usual for a woman to have at least one burst cyst every month because the ovaries develop a cyst that purposely ruptures to release an egg, allowing the woman to become pregnant during a regular menstrual cycle.

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